Wal-e-Cities Portfolio
Projects MOB, COM, LIV, ECO
Objective of the projects portfolio
Wal-e-Cities is a research project participating to the development of Smart Cities in Wallonia. Wallonia consists of medium-size cities in a rural and urban small territory, with 5 main attractive and innovative poles. The Smart City concept is thus considered at a Smart Region level.
Wal-e-Cities aims to build innovative citizen driven IoT solutions in mobility, energy efficiency, governance and smart living. All of these developments are based on new wireless communication channels using street furniture and public lighting lighting.
Wal-e-Cities is also market-oriented to facilitate the development of innovative ecosystems driving technological breakthroughs, addressing societal challenge, fostering start-ups, and giving Walloon companies a competitive advantage.
This projet is co-funded by the European Union (ERDF) and the Walloon Government.
Contribution of Multitel
Multitel is coordinator of the Wal-e-Cities projects and namely of the MOB, COM and ECO projects. Multitel is also partners of the LIV project.
Multitel develops or integrates software and hardware solutions:
- IoT systems and AI algorithm for traffic management, anormaly detections, people and vehicles counting to contribute to the development of urban ITS platform (MOB)
- R&D on innovative sensors telecommunication networks (LPWAN, LiFi) and on IoT platforms dedicated to Smart Cities (COM)
- Signal processing and sensors for qualitative measurements of the urban environment (air quality, noise pollution …) to deliver new services to the well-being of the citizens (LIV)
- Proof of concepts, pilots for the promotion of the Walloon know-how and for stimulating the implementation of the Smart Cities in Wallonia (ECO)
Smart Cities, Smart Lighting, Smart Mobility, Smart Living, LPWA, LiFi, IoT, Cybersecurity
- Multitel
- Sirris
- ULiège
- Cetic
- UNamur
- Smart City Institute
- Cenaero