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What we do


Our mission

The mission of Multitel consists, as a priority, in helping Walloon companies to integrate effectively new technologies in their products, processes and services, in order to improve their competiveness and to reach a sustainable economic prosperity.

Furthermore, with the passing years, Multitel develops and integrates emerging technologies into the industrial fabric at the regional and international levels in order to help companies to take up technological challenges.

Our job

Our job is innovation.

At work

In order to stimulate innovation in companies, our teams of experts are active in two kinds of activities:

Answering specific requests of companies and accompanying them in their innovation approach, through different kinds of services:

  • Technology watch and guidance
  • Technical tests
  • Feasibility study
  • Prototyping and small series
  • Design and implementation of innovative technological solutions
  • Technology transfer
  • Trainings (from our catalogue or customized)

Indeed, Multitel can guide the companies from their very first ideas to the development of a prototype, or, from time to time, help them to make the good choice of technology, to find out the concrete solutions to their specific technological problems.

Besides the technological accompaniment, in some cases, Multitel can also direct companies to several possibilities of funding of innovative projects. For example, company vouchers (including technological vouchers), technical support studies, Cwality projects… are different aids that encourage the collaboration between a company located in Wallonia and a recognized research centre like Multitel.

Participate actively in regional and European research programmes

As a partner or a coordinator, Multitel performs applied research for the common objective of a project defined by a consortium made of several stakeholders (SME, large companies, universities, research centres…). Those projects are funded by Wallonia, Europe or both of them depending to the kind of projects.

Multitel has taken part in a lot of European projects

1 FP5
19  FP6
13 FP7
2  H2020
7 Interreg
 6 TEN-T

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