Applied photonics
Our team ” Applied Photonics ” is specialized in the following topics. Moreover, we have acquired a recognized expertise at the international level.
Products & Services
The applied photonics department presents here its realizations and products resulting from collaborations and research projects.
Fibre laser
Multitel accompanies you in the development and the design of continued or impulsed laser source for your industrial or research projects.
> Our expertise in fibre laser
Fibre optic sensor
Multitel studies innovative technologies, based on the use of optical fibre and Bragg networks in order to bring new solutions in terms of sensors that are used in different applications: environmental, industrial, medical and civil engineering.
> Our expertise in fibre optic sensor
Biosensor and biophotonic system
Multitel develops components and optical instruments for in-vivo / in-vitro diagnotics and molecular manipulation in the fields of biomedical, food and pharmaceutical industry.
> Our expertise in biosensor and biophotonic system
Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging
Multitel is interested in Terahetz waves to characterise different kinds of materials in non-destructive way. On the other hand, Multitel develops femtosecond sources enabling the generation of THz waves.
> Our expertise in Terahertz spectroscopy
Laser micro-machining
Multitel owns a number of laser sources and optical devices that allow to validate the machining parameters for several materials and applications. In this context, Multitel offers:
- Feasability studies and development of laser process.
- Development of optical equipments and laser dedicated to the application of your choice. The parameters of those equipments can come out of a preliminary study
> Our expertise in laser micro-machining
Optical metrology
Multitel provides international service for optical metrology:
- Characterisation on the field of optical network
- Periodical calibration of optical devices in the field of telecom (for all brands)
Some of our customers:

Some of our customers: