Products & Services
Some examples of our last achievements, services and products:
SESAM-free all fiber oscillator
MULTITEL proposes an all-PM SESAM-free mode-locked fibre laser. New design developed at MULTITEL permits self-starting, stable, reliable and long-term picosecond mode-lock operation. This laser can operate down to 1 MHz while maintaining an ultra-short pulse duration of less than 10 picoseconds and high pulse energy of few nanojoules. Pulse compression in the femtosecond regime is possible through an external bulk grating compressor.
IFSxC – Integral Field Spectrometer
Multi-channel parallel analysis up to 12 channels.
Adaptation of the spectrometer based on your needs.
- Wavelength range
- Resolution
- Form factor.
Cobot-mounted picosecond laser for laser micromachining (MICHEL)
A Cobot-mounted picosecond laser on a mobile cart provides a complete solution for laser micromachined large surfaces and 3D shapes.
This demonstration platform is called MICHEL: Micro-machining Innovative Cobot with ultra-sHort Effective Laser process.
TeraHertz activities
Multitel offers:
- Femtosecond laser sources for THz generation
- Terahertz characterization (imaging and and spectroscopy) on various samples.
MULTITEL proposes an all-PM high power fibre laser operating around 2000 nm. This laser is proposed in two versions: low-power oscillator with average power about 1 Watt and high-power version integrating an oscillator combined to a high-power fiber amplifier delivering up to 30 Watts. Both exhibit a nearly gaussian beam profile.