“Mission 360°” of WBI in Brazil
At the beginning of March 2020, a delegation of researchers from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, led by Mrs Pascale Delcominette, Managing Director of WBI and AWEX, headed for Brazil.
Purpose? To give concrete expression to the desire for international collaboration by signing an academic and research agreement between the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and Faperj, the institution that funds scientific research in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Multitel, and more precisely the head of Biophotonics Team joined this mission. He met some really interesting laboratories with which research partnerships could be considered.
Note that Multitel already collaborates with Brazil, via the CRA-W, the Walloon Agricultural Research Center.
Indeed, the aim is to be able to detect the level of fermentation of cocoa beans (from Brazil) thanks to the Terahertz technology, in which Multitel has developed recognized expertise, and which makes possible to study some materials in a non-invasive and non-destructive procedure.
The advantage is that the quality of the fermentation then influences the quality of the chocolate.

It was therefore a great opportunity for Multitel to showcase its assets beyond Wallonia!
The Daily Science, the magazine dedicated to science, research and innovation “Made in Belgium” tells you the ins and outs of this mission to Brazil:
Article of 13/03/2020 : https://dailyscience.be/13/03/2020/cap-sur-le-bresil-pour-les-chercheurs-de-la-federation-wallonie-bruxelles/
Article of 27/08/2020 : https://dailyscience.be/27/08/2020/la-biophotonique-au-chevet-du-chocolat/