Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics

Objective of the project
TEF-Health develops a reference testing and experimentation facility (TEF) with a threefold objective:
- Carrying out tests and experiments of AI solutions in real or realistic environments;
- Implementing evaluation activities to facilitate market access for trustworthy intelligent technologies considering regulatory requirements (certification, standardization, code of conduct), and ensuring easy access to these resources (link with digital innovation hubs);
- Optimizing investments by capitalizing on past investments.
The consortium comprises seven nodes in Germany, France, Sweden, Belgium, Portugal, Slovakia, Italy, two associated nodes in Finland and Czechia and the pan-EU structures EBRAINS AISBL, EITHealth and EHDS2 Pilot initiative. The consortium of 51 partners is coordinated by Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
TEF-Health has at project start high Maturity. It provides existing expertise and infrastructure for design and implementation of AI testing in real world environments at TRL 6-8. The main asset lies in the general structure of each node, designed to address the broad environment of evaluation and testing, to speed up the development and the market access of AI solutions in healthcare. Each node combines several forms of testing: The real testing facilities (hospital platforms, both physical and data and compute infrastructures, living labs) and laboratory facilities. The supporting activities of defining evaluation protocols, developing evaluation tools, and assessing conformity complement th activities. TEF-Health will generate Impact by increasing effectiveness, resilience, sustainability of health systems, reduce inequalities; and ensure compliance with legal, ethical, quality and interoperability standards.
The long-term business plan integrates with the one of EBRAINS RI on the ESFRI roadmap for financial Sustainability. The project forms a network of leading EU hospitals and Medical Universities e.g., Charité and Karolinska Institute, National Metrology Institutes for definition of standards, and certification bodies as well as innovation clusters, e.g., European Institute of Technology EITHealth with links to the European Health Data Space. TEF-Health addresses ethical, and societal aspects with supported by patient organizations.
- CHU Charleroi-Chimay (Belgium)
- KI - Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
- LNE - Laboratoire National de métrologie et d'Essais (France)
- ISS - Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy)
- IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal)
- UHM - University Hospital Martin (Slovakia)
- HUS - (Finland)
- MU - Masarykova univerzita (Czechia)
- Multitel (BE)
- Cetic (BE)
- CRIDS (UNamur) (BE)
- BioWin (BE)
- Mecatech (BE)
- + autres partenaires ( voir liste complète sur le site du pojet)