Nano Regional Alliance
Objective of the project
The project “NANORA – Nano Regions Alliance” aims at fostering cross-sector innovation by establishing a harmonized support framework for nanotechnology at transnational level. Within the project key players from nine regions have joined forces in order to develop a coordinated response to the support of the complex nanotechnology economy at transnational level.
This involves the following objectives:
1) Setting-up the Alliance of NWE Nano Regions: Within the project NANORA, an alliance consisting of strong and emerging NWE Nano Regions is set up.
2) Opening of regional nanotechnology support schemes to transnational cooperation opportunities; harmonization of the support framework for nanotechnology: Regional experience will serve to elaborate harmonized approaches and joint quality criteria for a successful framework for innovation in the field of nanotechnology. Specific modules for their application at transnational level are developed.
3) Establishing a transnational support framework for nanotechnology in NWE by means of transnational competence pools and facilitation of collaboration and matchmaking.
4) Open new market opportunities for SMEs by taking joint and bundled transnational actions for new target markets: Transnational actions aim at supporting SME’s approaching new markets and generating new business opportunities (within NWE and beyond).
5) Create an outreach platform for future actions: Anchoring NANORAs legacy in the EU NANOFORUM and other policy areas, reflecting future pathways of the Alliance in a developing and rather “young economy”, promotion of NWE nanotech potential; NANORA future finance and management structures; reference to the “quadruple helix approach” that involves the civil society.
Besides the funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, European Union), Multitel receives a co-funding from Wallonia.
Contribution of Multitel
Multitel has contributed to NANORA by leading the work package dedicated to the rolling out of the strategy for optimizing the future framework for nanotechnology in NWE and carrying out actions involving stakeholders along the “quadruple helix” (including the civil society), and other initiatives for building up future network contacts for NANORA.
It has also organized transnational actions for helping SME’s in their knowledge of new markets like workshops.
Mulltitel has also built the NANORA Web-Portal ( This portal also hosts the TINCA database ( providing nanoplayers collected by the NANORA partners in Belgium (Wallonia), France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais), Germany (Hessen and Saarland), The Netherlands (Southern Netherlands), Ireland and the United Kingdom (North West England). All these nanoplayers are tagged using a complete taxonomy (keywords and their interrelations) built by all NANORA partners.
- Hessisches Ministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Energie, Verkehr und Landesentwicklung (Germany)
- Multitel (Belgium)
- Sirris (Belgium)
- CC-NanoBioNet (Germany)
- DECHEMA, Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology (Germany)
- CREPIM, Centre de Recherche et d’Etudes sur les Procédés d’Ignifugation des Matériaux (France)
- CNRS-IEMN - Institut d’Electronique, de Miroélectronique, et de Nanotechnolgie (France)
- CCAN - Collaborative Centre for Applied Nanotechnology (Ireland)
- NanoHouse (Nederland)
- University of Lancaster (United Kingdom)