Optofluidic biosensor immunoassay for detecting and identifying bacteria in human samples matrixes

Objective of the project
BIOBACTIL is a project presented in the call ” Programme Mobilisateur – WB Health” of “Service Public de Wallonie”.
Meningitis is a disease caused by the inflammation of the protective membranes (the meninges) covering the brain and the spinal cord. Early detection of Meningitidis is crucial for successful treatment and prevention of possible patient health and neurological complications.
Whereas conventional methods used to identify the specific cause of meningitis are usually time consuming and laborious, need arises for sensors capable of rapidly detecting and accurately identifying infectious agents in complex suspensions such as CSF. Therefore, the aim of this present project is to develop a lab-on-chip demonstrator for detecting and identifying the presence of Neisseria meningitidis in cerebrospinal fluid samples.
The untreated sample is deposited on the chip, and passes through a series of micro- and opto-fluidic devices before reaching the detection zone (i.e., the sensor area). There, bacteria attach to bio-receptors (antibodies) directed against specific epitopes, and this binding in turn produces a signal generated through a transducer.
Contribution of Multitel
The contributions of Multitel in this project were :
– the design and simulation of the Resonant Waveguide Grating (DWG) sensors
– the design and implementation of the optical interrogation system, based on a custom-made multi-channel spectrometer and a commercial optical fibers probe.