Dig-e-Lab : Conference on « Digital Learning »
Seven universities, research and training centres of both sides of the Franco-Belgian border, invite you to the kickoff event of the project « Dig-e-Lab ».
There are Eurometropolitan e-Campus, Open University of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, research centre Multitel and Agence du Numérique from Wallonia; the University of Lille 1 and the University of Picardie Jules Verne from France and the KU Leuven from Flanders.
The topic: The digital learning; a challenge for the transborder mobility and employment!
The event will be held on March 9th 2017 in Negundo 3 of the Eurometropolitan e-Campus : 15, Rue du Progrès à 7503 Froyennes (Belgique).
Contact : info@dig-e-lab.eu
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